2024 News and updates


For the month of April 2024, I was the artist in residence the BoxoPROJECTS Residency located outside of Joshua Tree, California. During this residency period I began research on the project Moth Sensorium. A multidisciplinary project that explores the secondary senses of sound and smell. By doing so, de-centering of the dominant sense of sight and welcoming information garnered from these secondary senses. The project and residency is supported by a grant from the British Colombia Arts Council.



boxo composters 04 Video Still from Cholla Eaters 30s HD

night and day detail of day Untitled Work in Progress

Launch of New Work – Boat without a Boat ( see section Boat without a Boat with Gallery of images)

Boat without a Boat is an exhibition of new work at Grand Forks Art Gallery ( Gallery 2) in Grand Forks, BC. Curated by the galleries director and curator, Tim VanWijk.  The show opened on May 10th, 2024 and runs until August 03rd, 2024.  The show focuses on the launch of two new directions in my practice, Stop Motion Animation and Constellations – paper based works composed of drawn and cutout imagery.


Still from stop motion animation video - Ritual 2022

Still from stop motion animation video – “Night Ritual” 10:29

Vesuvia (Spectral Companions) 2024 Graphite, oil bar, pencil crayon, chalk, paper mounted on Stonehenge paper 50"x 78"

Vesuvia (Spectral Companions) 2024 Graphite, oil bar, pencil crayon, chalk, paper mounted on Stonehenge paper 50″x 78″

I am honoured to be the recipient of  a Research and Creation grant from the Canada Council for the Arts for the project.

The project was supported by the Canada Council for the Arts


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Part of the research for this new work was done while on residency at the Sointual Art Shed on Malcolm Island in 2022. I am grateful to have spent a month in this gorgeous oceanic environment.

Art Shed Sointula, BC


Great thanks to the founders and directors of the ART SHED – Kerri Reid and Tyler Brett who manage and make possible the existence of this incredible residency. My time at the residency was supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Looking ahead to 2025

– Research and studio based work for the project MOTH SENSORIUM that continues the work begun at BoxoPROJECTS residency  exploring the secondary senses. A multidisciplinary project that includes stop motion animation, soundscapes, drawing/painting and scent work.

– I will be the guest curator at the Langham Cultural Centre in Kaslo, BC for their summer of 2025 show. The working title: Stories Matter : Investigations into New Materialism. Invited artists include: Susan Andrews Grace, Jim Holyoak, Hildur Jonasson, Maggie Shirley,  Eimear Laffan, Carol Wallace.